In 1969 two former addicts rented a house and opened their doors to other addicts in need. In an extended family atmosphere, those with jobs supported other who were unemployed.

In 1971, with community assistance the Center Point Corporation was formed, a Board of Directors selected, and tax exempt status was granted by the federal government. The residential program was originally conceived to serve only male heroin addicts, community demand soon resulted in services for women and those with multiple drug problems. Center Point, Inc. also developed a residential alcohol detoxification program that was quickly designated as the detoxification facility for the County of Marin.
In the 1980’s, changes in the Agency management prompted strategic shifts in philosophy and the service delivery system. Programs now combined psycho-social, behavioral and peer support interventions to develop positive community integration skills. Drop-In Services were developed to provide critical post-detoxification support. Detoxification Services were expanded to serve drug as well as alcohol problems.
Center Point, Inc. also added an Intensive Outpatient Program as a low-cost alternative to residential treatment for those in early stages of addiction. Funding from the Marin Community Foundation provided support for Center Point, Inc.’s intensive vocational and re-entry services.
In 1998 the Agency took a large step towards developing a regional and statewide presence, expanding outside of Marin County to Contra Costa County to initiate outpatient treatment services through a County grant and to serve as the operator of two County Shelters.
Another landmark date in 1998 marked the activation of Center Point, Inc.’s first in-custody treatment program located behind prison walls at Solano State Prison. Center Point, Inc. then acquired three more contracts from the California Department of Corrections to provide in-prison treatment at a male facility and a female facility in addition to a contract to provide residential treatment for female inmates and their children in a community corrections setting in Southern California.
Center Point, Inc. further expanded services in Marin through a contract from the U.S. Department of Labor under Welfare-To-Work reforms to provide enhanced, targeted vocational service to woman with children and non-custodial fathers who were receiving welfare.
Center Point, Inc.’s community based services were broadened with the addition of a co-educational residential treatment program at Fair Oaks in Sacramento County. The program was modeled after Center Point, Inc.’s flagship residential program in Marin County.
During the 1990’s Center Point, Inc. aggressively pursued a wider diversity of funding sources to provide specialized services for various populations. Federal grant support from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Agency (SAMHSA) was obtained for several fronts: first, to attract and retain ethnic minorities in residential treatment; second, to provide comprehensive substance abuse treatment services to pregnant and parenting women and their children; and, third, to link substance abuse treatment, primary health care, mental health services, and HIV/AIDS services within a seamless continuum of care.
Program expansion also created tailored treatment services for the homeless by using foundation and federal grant support. Numerous transitional housing sites were developed to respond to the re-entry needs of homeless clients. Subsidized rent and supportive services were available through several grants awarded to Center Point, Inc. from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Center Point, Inc. also became increasingly involved in the criminal justice system through administration of a six-county Bay Area case management program in partnership with the California Department of Corrections. The Bay Area Services Network (BASN) program provides comprehensive assessment, referral, and case management services to California parolees.
An Adolescent Residential Treatment program originated in 1994. Adolescents from across the state were referred, primarily from juvenile probation.
Center Point, Inc. also opened an on-site medical clinic in San Rafael, with funding assistance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to provide primary health care, infectious disease screening, medical case management and ambulatory detoxification for participants in the Agency’s programs.
Center Point, Inc.’s expansion during this time period included the acquisition of additional transitional housing sites with supportive services provided through new contracts with HUD.
At the commencement of the new millennium, Center Point, Inc. again expanded in-prison treatment services and by 2005 nine new programs within institutions in Northern and Southern California had been activated. Center Point, Inc. was also awarded the Substance Abuse Services Coordinating Agency (SASCA) contract by the Department of Corrections to provide case management and placement services in community-based treatment programs for offenders being released from prison.
In 2004 Concepts Foundation was established to assist and participate in the support of programs operated by Center Point, Inc. Concepts Foundation was created to support charitable programs that provide educational, vocational, psychological and social rehabilitation services to combat social problems, including addictive disorders, poverty, homelessness and unemployment.
In mid-decade the Agency took another step in fulfilling long term development goals by expanding into Oklahoma. Center Point, Inc. opened a 200 bed men’s Community Correctional treatment program in Oklahoma City under contract with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections.
The agency also celebrated its 35th anniversary in the fall of 2005, 24 years under the leadership of Dr. Taylor.
During the last half of the decade, Center Point, Inc. continued to target diverse growth. Services in Oklahoma expanded to include a 34 bed Women’s Community Correctional treatment program and a 50 bed Men’s Work Release program, both in Tulsa.
In 2007 Center Point, Inc. was awarded several contracts by the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department to provide treatment and re-entry services for men and women in the San Francisco jails. The Agency was also awarded a series of federal SAMHSA grants to provide expanded access to enhanced treatment for at-risk populations. Center Point, Inc. also received an award from the Federal Administration for Children and Families to provide targeted family treatment and reunification services for women with children.
In 2008 the management structure was reorganized to meet the demand of the Agency’s expanded multi-state reach and diverse funding sources. At the same time Center Point, Inc. continued to receive local, state and federal grants that enhanced the Agency’s well-established re-entry vocational services (Marin County Workforce Investment Board); supported and expanded adolescent and adult drug courts; and enhanced re-entry for ex-offenders (United States Bureau of Justice Assistance).
At the end of the decade, while criminal justice case management programs continued, most of Center Point, Inc.’s in-prison programs were closed as a result of severe budget cuts by the Department of Corrections in response to the State’s extreme fiscal crisis.
With the new decade the Agency was able to meet a priority goal of receiving funding specifically targeted for veterans through the acquisition of a Department of Veterans Affairs contract to provide services for chronically homeless veterans in the Bay Area. Additionally, Center Point, Inc. was awarded a grant to provide outreach and vocational services for veterans and their families in the vicinity of Austin, Texas. With this grant, Center Point, Inc. realized another goal through its expansion into a third state.
Despite the state budgetary crisis, in 2010 the Agency was awarded a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation contract to provide in-prison treatment services at a Central California Institution and another contract to operate a parolee Day Reporting Center in Oakland.
In 2011 Center Point, Inc. also added a fourth state to the national service areas. The agency entered into a contract with the State of Louisiana to provide comprehensive residential treatment services for women and men at a facility located in Shreveport, LA. The Agency looks forward to another decade of growth and diversity in providing critical services for at risk populations.
In 2012, Center Point, Inc. expanded further growth within the Agency’s Marin County continuum. In May the Agency’s Marin County programs received three year accreditation from CARF, further establishing Center Point’s expertise and credentials. The development of effective services for those with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders led to the Alliance in Recovery (AIR) program, a partnership with the County Mental Health Department, Division of Alcohol and Drug programs, and Center Point, Inc. Co-located at the Marin County Health and Wellness Center, AIR serves those whose co-occurring disorders have prevented their success in more traditional settings.
Late in 2012, the Agency was also awarded a Marin County contract to expand and enhance programs to serve women and women with children in a gender-responsive, trauma-informed outpatient environment. Besides that, Center Point Inc, entered into a management contract with Drug Abuses Alternatives Center, a comprehensive agency in Sonoma County. CP was awarded a Department of Labor grant to serve veterans in Texas.
The 812 D St facility remodeling commenced. An architect and general contractor were hired to convert the rear building into a 12-bed recovery residence. Center Point realigned services in order to comply it with the implementation of Criminal Justice Services. Center Point received a three-year CARF Certification for the Residential and Outpatient Programs.
In 2013 Center Point and Marin City Health and Wellness Center (MCHNC) entered into a formal relationship establishing a satellite medical clinic at Center Point’s Multi Service Center in San Rafael. And Center Point hosted the Deputy Director of Drug Demand Reduction with the White House Office and National Drug Control Policy.
Center Point prepared for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the mental health and substance use parity legislation as well as the expansion of Medicaid benefits in California. The Avenal State Prison contract was awarded. And Center Point was recognized as the top-rated non-profit in the San Francisco Bay Area by Great Nonprofits.
In 2014 The World Premiere of the documentary film “On Life’s Terms – Mothers in Recovery” by Sheila Ganz was screened at the Smith Rafael Film Center. This film followed the 3-year recovery journey of Center Point clients. The screening was followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker, a mom from the film and Center Point’s CEO Sushma Taylor.
Fair Oaks Program was transferred into a Female Offender Treatment and Education Program (FOTEP) and Folsom State Prison and California Institute for Men (Chino) in Custody contracts were awarded.
In 2015 the following in custody program contracts were awarded:
- California State Prison – Sacramento
- Deuel Vocational Institution
- North Kern State Prison
The documentary film “On Life’s Terms – Mothers in Recovery” was aired on public television.
Alameda County Case Management Project was expanded and enhanced. And renovations to 812 D St. were completed and final inspection occurred. Following the renovations, the CAJI Contract was awarded and the STOP Area 4 contract was transferred from Mental Health Systems to Center Point.
In 2016 there was a major internal restructure of Center Point’s executive team.
Alameda Call Center was established and Center Point, Inc. has earned a CARF Three-Year Accreditation due to its substantial conformance to the CARF International Standards.
In 2017 it was implemented the Drug Medi-Cal expansion on Organized Delivery System.
Texas Veteran Commission provided grant to provide clinical mental health services for veterans and their families. The Oakland Day Reporting Center was rebid. Texas Veterans Commission provides a grant in general assistance fund to Center Point.
Four new in-prison programs were activated:
- Sacramento State Prison
- Solano State Prison
- California Medical Facility at Vacaville
- San Quentin State Prison
A cloud based fiscal system was implemented. And Center Point, Inc. left Oklahoma.
In 2018 Transitional Housing started in Sonoma County and Withdrawal Management Services were implemented at the Manor and at RWC. Contract for services with Napa County was executed and Fair Oaks Facility was remodeled.
In 2019 FOTEP was discontinued and Fair Oaks became a Co-Ed facility. Besides that, Contra Costa Outpatient Programs were launched in Concord and Richmond in June 2019 and the Department of Transportation contracts were assumed. Services in Napa County commenced in April 1st, 2019 and a Federal Probation contract for Contra Costa County was obtained.
In 2020 Contracts awarded for 13 in-prison programs.
Services disrupted by COVID from March 16th until July. Application to Payroll Protection Program, and CARES Funding.