Residential Services

Center Point, Inc. operates Residential Services in order to assist those in need of an intensive highly structured treatment environment. The program offers a variable stay from 3 to 6 months, where clients are assessed for any additional treatment needs during the course of treatment. All treatment is based on the client’s voluntary agreement for placement.
Additional assessments are completed regarding the client’s clinical, mental health, legal, family and medical needs. Based on the intake interview and assessments, the client and the clinical team mutually develop an individualized treatment plan, which will guide the client’s treatment experience.
The Adult Residential Services provides cognitive, behavioral, educational, vocational and peer support interventions that promote pro-social adaptation to life without drugs and alcohol. The Adult Residential Services provides:
The treatment and training curriculum emphasize the development of skills that will assist participants in successful community reintegration. It includes social and cognitive skill building, vocational preparation, relapse prevention, community integration and continuing care planning.
Length of treatment is based on individualized assessed need. Continuing Care services provide critical social and clinical support after program completion.